May 9, 2014

Beauty Haul : The Essentials | 01.

It's Friday y'all! The day that everyone looks forward to over and over and over again! After a day of thunderstorms, I think we could all use a little sunshine and some vitamin-D this weekend. As some of you know, I recently made a huge move from San Diego to Dallas, back home. Not only did this mean a 1500 mile car ride, endless country music and too many stops for chicken strips, it also meant that my skin would be taking a beating. The kind that comes with climate change, all those chicken strips and a drastic change in humidity! Now, I thought my skin would be the only thing that needed some adjustments when it came to my everyday routine but guys, my hair - it's on a whole other level! I swear the water is different here! Everything is dry, dry, dry!
To combat this, I've switched to ALL Dove products. Seriously, amazing... there's not anymore to say. The detangler acts as a leave in conditioner and has argon oil in it without leaving you with a greasy mess. For my skin, I've started using only Origins tinted moisturizer, I figured a break was just what the doctor ordered! For my eyes and lips, I've kept it simple there too. Tinted Vaseline balm for the lips and Maybelline plush mascara, it doesn't cake up or leave my eyes burning after wearing it for a few hours. 
Easier is always better right? Hopefully these new finds will help me rehydrate and readjust! Do you guys have any secrets to getting your skin and hair hydrated again? Let me know! Seriously!
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